What Breed of Dog should you have

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"There are many dogs in the world, which dog should you have? There aren't all the dogs in the world on this quiz, but there are many, this quiz isn't to accurate."

"but please check it out, and see which dog you should have, if you all ready have one, then you can still do it anyway and see if you get the right dog! It's fun!"

Created by: Beckloste

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you like to do with you're dog?
  2. Would you like a dog with long hair?
  3. What color of dog do you like?
  4. What size of dog do you prefer?
  5. How much time would you spend with your dog?
  6. How often do you work?
  7. What would you feed your dog?
  8. Do you prefer outside dogs or inside dogs?
  9. If your dog pooped on the floor, what would you do?
  10. How friendly are you to animals?
  11. Are you ready to see the results?

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Quiz topic: What Breed of Dog should I have