What Breakfast Item Are You?

Ever find yourself as a damsel in distress, not knowing which breakfast you should eat? DO NOT FRET! Now you can find out what food you are! Wow, you must be SO OVERJOYED, UGH!

I'm so glad you are doing my quiz, like, ugh, I'm SO happy. Either you already done this quiz and you're doing it again, or you're doing it for the first time, you SUCK..

Created by: Paoao
  1. Pick one.
  2. Do you like food with high calories, or food with barely any calories at all??
  3. Girl, or boy?
  4. Would you rather go out into a big large crowd for absolutely no reason, or curl up into a blanket like a little gremlin at home?
  5. Beach, or swamp?
  6. What is your age range?
  7. Which are you?
  8. Would you consider yourself sassy?
  9. Alright, you made it this far. Honestly, didn't think you'd ever get far. Alright, are you pro rapper or noob rapper?
  10. Last question, oh yeah!! Do your feet hurt?

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Quiz topic: What Breakfast Item am I?
