What boys love you at hogwarts

What boys love you at hogwarts???We broke up a month ago ur friends aren't mine I know you know.......... .djxjddjdjjdjxjxbxnxxmxmmxmxjnjfhfyebdhxnxxjd


Created by: Nunyaaabuisness
  1. What's better reading and music and books or skibidi
  2. What music?
  3. What betrayed lyric hits hard
  4. What hp boy
  5. Okay time for the real quiz questions
  6. You walking through the halls and Cormac starts being a creepy who starts walking with you?
  7. You in potions when Draco is bullying harry what do you do?
  8. Okay you sitting at the black lake. At night when your best friend Hermione sits next to you and tells you "_____ likes you Y/n! Shoot your shot!"
  9. One day they ask you if they can speak to you in private then when you guys get to the empty classroom they tell you they like you a lot
  10. What would you like to do?
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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