What Boy Fits You?

What did you think of my quiz? Want to let me know? You can contact me on howrse.com. My username is CrystalCowGal. This is my first quiz so I really do not know what I was doing.

Want to find out what the perfect boy is for you? Well take my quiz and it will give you a idea of what to look for in a boy. This is my first quiz as I said earlyer.

Created by: CrystalCowGal
  1. What is your dream vacation?
  2. Are you flirty?
  3. How Outgoing are you?
  4. Are you S*xy?
  5. Are you strait? Or Bi?
  6. What is you dream boy?
  7. Would you kiss a boy?
  8. What is your fav color?
  9. What is your style?
  10. What kind of girl r u?

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