What boy at st. Murray's are you

This is a Quiz that I made up. The characters and School are all fictional. Also, no matter who you get, everyone if good, so don't feel bad about who you get.

Also, the characters I created using bitmoji and I created them, their personalities, and everything else about them is fictional. Have fun and don't forget: It doesn't matter who you get. All of the characters are good.

Created by: Johnny Cheddar
  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  2. What is your Hogwarts house?
  3. Your see your friend getting bullied. What do you do?
  4. Which of the 4 hobbits in Lord of the Rings is your favorite?
  5. What is your favorite season?
  6. Who is your favorite Droid in Star Wars?
  7. What would your Lord of the rings race be?
  8. What character are you in Mario Kart?
  9. Who is your favorite player in the NBA currently?
  10. If you could go anywhere in the USA, where would it be?

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Quiz topic: What boy at st. Murray's am I
