what book tyoe should you read

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have troble finding a book your in luck cuz the book doctor is here.this quizz helps you find the perfect type of book with some examples too you should take this for your mental health

are you one to love adventure books or how about a biograpphy .maybe the newspaper is the on for you .just take this quizz to find out .everyone wil be surprised when they see you enjoying a book thanks to me

Created by: abby

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your english teacher just anouced that you have to read a biography on rosa parks you
  2. everybody is talking about this new book about a boy going on an adventure you
  3. your at the bookstore you head to whay section
  4. your bff ask you what book your reading you say
  5. will you rate
  6. what books have you read when you were yonger
  7. the book report is due today your teacher ask if you liked the book you read (lord of the rings book #1)
  8. your stuck between 2 books diary of ann frank and a book on hariet tubman
  9. your hero is mark twain he wrote the most amazing books
  10. what book do you wanna read

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Quiz topic: What book tyoe should I read