What Bollywood actress are you most like?

Bollywood. One of the biggest industries of the world, with so many popular actresses. It's a competition to get to the top, to be the prettiest, to be THE BEST.

Which Bollywood actress are you? Are you high on the success ladder of on the bottom? Does your beauty entice millions of people or just a few? Take this quiz to find out which Bollywood actress you are most likely are, and see where you rank.

Created by: Neymarmessi10
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favourite Bollywood movie?
  2. Describe your hair
  3. What colour are your eyes?
  4. What shape describes your body the most?
  5. How's your height?
  6. What song are you most likely to dance to?
  7. What actor is your favourite?
  8. if you could choose to change your name to any of the options below, which one would it be?
  9. How pretty are you?
  10. How's this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What Bollywood actress am I most like?