What boi from the Hamilsquad are you??

Helloooooo~ Anyway I wanted to make a quiz based on something I love. Soo....... HAMILTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, this quiz is bad but I hope you enjoy it

Idk what to put here so enjoy a lot of random letters ytfcxgfyuhjfcdtyuijvcdertyuiopl;bvcxsawesrdtfyguiooijuytrewertyguhijkjhgfedyfughjkpojihugfdsbnm,.[pkoj8h

Created by: Kawaii Turtle boi
  1. Hai, I made this silly quiz for fun. Anyways, first question, out of all the bois in the Hamilsquad, who do you feel you can relate to the most?
  2. What's your favorite song line out of all of these?
  3. What Schuyler Sister can you relate to the most?
  4. What do you ship the most (pls don't judge)
  5. Okay, let's make this more like a personality quiz. You're at school in a classroom. What are you most likely doing?
  6. Out of these animals, what do you like the most?
  7. Have you and your friends ever exchanged love letters?
  8. Which act two boy do you like the most out of these?
  9. Do you think your friends would ever be surprised if you got into a relationship with someone? OR Were your friends surprised when they found out you got in a relationship with someone?
  10. Out of these sites, where would you like to visit?
  11. Out of these, what song do you like the most?
  12. FINAL QUESTION!!! Avez-vous traduit cela?

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Quiz topic: What boi from the Hamilsquad am I??
