What Blimbo Nation are YOU?

Hello! have you ever wondered what nation in the wonderful server of Blimbo you think would suit you best? have you ever wanted to find out which nation YOU'D be? well look no futher.

(Note: this is all just for kicks n giggles, not to be taken too seriously. sorry if I missed anyone or if it's not as accurate as it could be! I just made this with the intention of it being a fun little thing. :) )

Created by: Soil
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. how often would you say you simp?
  3. favorite pass time?
  4. describe Blimbo in one word:
  5. favorite thing to do on the server?
  6. what is your sleep schedule most like?
  7. War?
  8. what is your head most like?
  9. are you married on the server to someone?
  10. which one?
  11. if you ever got arrested, what would it most likely be for?
  12. Is Panic a shlannie
  13. and lastly, if you could choose, what nation would you personally pick?

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Quiz topic: What Blimbo Nation am I?
