What Big Cat Are You?

If you’ve ever wondered what big cat you are, this is the quiz for you! There is a variety of results, so the results will be all the more accurate! If it is not accurate, I’m sorry.

I love taking personality quizzes, so I decided to make my own! Please answer the questions honestly so you get an accurate result. I really hope you like it!

Created by: BoredFox
  1. What month were you born?
  2. What colour is your hair? (naturally)
  3. What colour are your eyes?
  4. Where do you want to live?
  5. What is a delicious meal to you?
  6. You see a kid being bullied, what do you do?
  7. What is your favourite colour combo out of these?
  8. What career do you want?
  9. What is your favourite animal
  10. What big cat do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: What Big Cat am I?
