What bender are you?

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My quiz is great to discover your inner bender! Which element do you control???? Find out here!! there are several elements that are possible. I am not saying which because that would ruin the surprise!

Now the most important thing is to have fun!!!!!!!! Give this a rating of your choice!!! this is my first quiz. I hope you like it! #HAVEFUN!!!!!! :-)

Created by: Lydia
  1. Your friends would describe you as:
  2. Someone gets you in trouble (ON PURPOSE!!!!) You:
  3. What is your FAV show?
  4. Pick an animal:
  5. Dream job?
  6. What name?
  7. where would you go for vacation?
  8. Pick an element!
  9. You would like to:
  10. Did you like this quiz?
  11. What do you think YOU will get?

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Quiz topic: What bender am I?
