What beanie boo do you like

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This is a quiz which will tell you all about what your favorite beanie boo if you don’t have it you can by it if it is one you have it is you, you will love this quiz

After if you have a beanie boo If you don’t have it beg your parents. Best places to get beanie boos are Amazon eBay Clair’s and justice and the uk because beanie boos are from the uk.

Created by: Juliet
  1. What candy do you like?
  2. What color do you like
  3. What is your favorite animal
  4. Are you cute
  5. Are you hard ( rare)
  6. Are you a Clair’s exclusive?
  7. What is your favorite hobby
  8. Are you nice
  9. Are you in different sizes
  10. Are you shiny

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Quiz topic: What beanie boo do I like
