What Be Your Nerd Type? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Be Your Nerd Type?
Computer Nerd Totally Me! oh and 42 questions? WHAT THE CRAP!
krkreide1 -
Social Nerd, i guess its good lol
I got drama nerd witch is very right.I rate this 10 stars!
cometcat1 -
im not even a nerd im in fashion
I a big nerd myself. :P
Speedie1 -
I got social nerd ;)
Jimi1 -
yeah, lit. its tru. im a lit nerd. i am prety overcritical wen it coms to gramar. thats me. im a grammar/writing person. (but not in txt lang or this sort of stuff! im not a BIG nerd!)
they told me i am a science and math nerd and the clouset other was writing nerd whith is true i love science and writing stores.
vader1 -
1st: Literature
2nd: Musician
3rd: Gamer/PC
Spot-on .Talfreo1 -
Literature Nerd haha fits me perfect. all my friends call book geek. which i PROUDLY admitt is soo true lol
What the hell is a social nerd?
Kyo1 -
I call bull...I think one can be a music nerd and not be a musician.
I have to say this quiz sucks kinda
Great quiz! It's the most accurate quiz I've seen yet, and it was also a lot of fun.
Literature nerd. I thought so. =^.^=
Im The Computer Nerd.. :\ I Take Showers Though...
I see hannabob on all of the popular quizez, and she puts the same thing over and over again, I don't no Y?????/
DYLANluv1 -
Im not a nerd i just spend ridic amounts of time on the internet
yanni1 -
I'm a social nerd. pretty much true, bar from when I'm in the anti-social bi polar state.hehehhee:(
pix1 -
nerds r wimps so whatever
yasmin1 -
Hahaha it says do i read comics online... I dont.. But i read way too much real ones...
Creator: You psycho! Me: oh s--- they found out!! Im screwed!!!
Creator:jk Me: I am on my way to the most secluded area around they will never find me. Time to kill!! Wait they were kidding?! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ok. Safe for now.
I'm disappointed in myself that I only got 86% anime nerd. *cri* I'm going to go eat icecream in my almight hoodie and watch demon slayer now. Good day.
I know same! Just maybe with my overhaul cosplay on and a few masks and tissues and knives in case of emergencies. And probably death note instead of demon slayer mostly cause I am a demon at heart. Do you know how they say that your heart is the same size as your fist wellllll, my heart and empathy combined are that size anddddd my hand is tiny.
81% math/science
81% computer/gaming
70 % literature
30% anime
yeah this quiz has it pretty much spot onsacararo1