What Baseball Player Are You?

"This quiz will make you a pro ball player! FInd out wall ball player you are! You could be anywhere from babe ruth to Miguel cabrera. Come on play this quiz!

You know you want to play this quiz because it is awsome just try it and maybe you will have fun. you will fell like you in the mlb when you play this quiz!

Created by: tigers13
  1. What do you do if you lose a big game?
  2. It is a 3-0 count what do you do?
  3. What Position Do You PLay?
  4. If you didn't play base what would you do?
  5. What do you do if you win a would series?
  6. Do you use pine tar?
  7. What would be your greatest strength on the baseball field?
  8. How do people descibe you?
  9. Whats Your FAvorite Team?
  10. Whats your favorite pitch?

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Quiz topic: What Baseball Player am I?