What band are you most like?

Spontaneous...I love that word, don't you? That's why i made this quiz..that and I was totally bored. Boredom usually gets the best of us and as you can probably tell, I'm only ranting to get this over with.

Some of this quiz doesn't make sense, but who cares..right? I know I don't, and if I don't then it's kinda obvious that you probably don't either. Have fun!!

Created by: IRONMAN

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite comeback?
  2. Do you hate people?
  3. Are you stubborn?
  4. What scares you most?
  5. What would you do if your BF/GF broke up with you?
  6. What is your best friend like?
  7. How far do you go on the first date?
  8. Do you prefer to break up or be broken up with?
  9. Do you consider yourself shallow?
  10. What do you do for a living?

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Quiz topic: What band am I most like?