What Balloon Do You Want To Become?

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This quiz is for people who have fantasies as a balloon. If you don't enjoy balloon fantasies. Then, this quiz is not for you. You can enjoy the possibility of being balloon, with this quiz?

Created by: Kristopher Wright
  1. Do you want to float?
  2. Do you want to Translation from your current balloon body?
  3. How do you feel in your new balloon body?
  4. You can turn people into balloons, with your found powers. What do want to do with them?
  5. You filled up the air until, you explosed. How do you fix this?
  6. You now back to your balloon body. Ready to drink some Helium.
  7. Do you enjoy being balloon?
  8. Are you ready to popped?
  9. You can no longer attached to your Helium Tank? What are going to do?
  10. Your streamers are gone, and no one can hold you without them. Do you enjoy not having streamers, attached your balloon body?
  11. You are finally deflected. What do what do now?

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Quiz topic: What Balloon do I Want To Become?

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