What Bakugan world/class are YOU?

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Soo it’s BAKUGAN! It’s quiz #1 so there aren’t six here only 3 and a half and I love to ,... REEP(er)! SIR!(penoid) ROB! (Otallian)! So those are the 3 class plus Haos

Whip ! 1+1= sweet moves! I was SO exited I put a k instead of o! There’s RP’s , gs ,and people . So trust your heart. Not your face (this does not make sense)

Created by: Starryone
  1. What class power would want to have
  2. World power?
  3. RPPR time! So, what’s your power (gs)
  4. What is the acronym of the words that descride you
  5. Pick a person. Any person.
  6. Now , you face another monster. What does the person you picked say?
  8. IDD
  9. You wake UP in a...
  10. I DON’T WANNA GET...

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Quiz topic: What Bakugan world/class am I?

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