What Avatar character are you?

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About the quiz. Hello! Today you will find out what Avatar: the last Airbender character you are! Are you Aang Zuko Toph or Katara? Well now you can find out! If any words are miss spelled i am so sorry!

About Calico cat. I love to take a quiz about what I love and that is why I am making this quiz bc I want you guys to be able to take a quiz about what you love and I will not only be making a quiz about Avatar but so much more. I hope you have fun!

Created by: Calico cat
  1. What type of bender are you? (You should take a quiz if you don't know)
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What Avatar character would you have a crush on
  4. What word describes you?
  5. What is you fav animal?
  6. What type of food do you like?
  7. I want other people to______me
  8. What is your worst trait?
  9. Why do people underestimate you?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Avatar character am I?
