What asian country should you live in?

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This quiz was meant for people that are wanted to move somewhere else from where they are... or just for fun? Hopefully you will like it good luck! :*

I hope that you enjoy this quiz... I tryed really hard on it..LOL welp have a nice quiz people see ya! Also comment your favroite food down below. TYY

Created by: Ali
  1. Do you enjoy busy streets?
  2. How do you feel about seafood?
  3. What type of guys or girls are you into?
  4. Do you like the country side, or busy city's?
  5. What food do you like?
  6. Who is your favorite singer???
  7. How do you feel about shopping?
  8. How do you feel about Dogs?
  9. How do you feel about nature?
  10. Do you like anime?

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Quiz topic: What asian country should I live in?
