What Ashton China Song suits you!

Rizan: Hi are you new here! Alex: Yeah me and my bro just moved in to this neighborhood. Rizan: What school did you go to? Alex: Oxford Avenue! Mikay: But were not wizards right? Alex: Uh.. No way, no just normal people who moved to America.

Rizan: Yeah whatever see you at school. Alex: Ok! Mikay: Wow!! Alex: He's rude and evil Rizan: Are you talking about me? Alex: No were talking about my cat yeah pure evil. Rizan: You guys are soo weirder!

Created by: Selina Gonzalez

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  3. Favourite desert?
  4. Do you wear make-up to school?
  5. Do you eat seaweed?
  6. Do you wear Black nail-polish to school?
  7. Hair?
  8. London or France
  9. Food?
  10. *Choose a sport?*

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Quiz topic: What Ashton China Song suits me!