What are your minecraft Rateings

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This Is To tell YOU If you are a pro or not if you are a Noob then go and quit minecraft You will never Become one of us ! also if you Dont Quit Minecraft well... you will see for your self

This Is To tell YOU If you are a pro or not if you are a Pro then keep on playin minecraft But If And Keep on kill those noobs If you quit we might all miss you ! or maby not

Created by: Alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have You Played Minecraft
  2. How many times have you died
  3. Have you made a diamond sword or tools
  4. Have you Made a House Out of dirt and many thigs combined
  5. Have You Build Five Nights At Freddys 1, 2 or 3 ?
  6. Have you ever wanted to poo ?
  7. Do you love dead bushes
  8. Have You been Admin/Owner On A server
  9. Have You Hacked Minecraft ?
  10. Have you killed atleast 10 of each mob

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Quiz topic: What am Ir minecraft Rateings