what are you most like in warhammer 40k
thanks for answering all these questions.yes now for a bunch of nothing.now i have to do a 150 word paragraph and thats minimum. i would put in a load of gibberish but your not aloud to ,this is a waste of time. this is point less i have to do another paragraph after this infact ill copy all of this paragraph onto the next,YAY!!!
thanks for answering all these questions.yes now for a bunch of nothing.now i have to do a 150 word paragraph and thats minimum. i would put in a load of gibberish but your not aloud to ,this is a waste of time. this is point less i have to do another paragraph this is the copy of the first one which is annoying now if your a noob please run around the room screaming 'YAY YAY YAY' AT THE TOP OF YOUR VOICE,YAY!!!