what are you made for

Find out are you made for games sleeping nature or sports this will tell you what you were made for what God picked for you I'm a total gamer if you get games then you meh

Plz take this quiz as it is my first hope yah like it to find out what you made for if you no doing the tbing start now you must be good at it if you take this quiz smiles from meh

Created by: Amy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like sleeping
  2. Do you like video games
  3. Do you like nature
  4. Do you like sports
  5. Rp time you are invited to a party
  6. Your friend comes and see,s you
  7. She/he says why we're you not at the party
  8. She drags you to another party you are holding your
  9. Ok what do you want to get
  10. Plz comment and like first quiz hope you liked it
  11. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What am I made for