what are you like?

WHAT ARE YOU LIKE?? ~~JUST FOR FUN~~ not trying to label sorry if yours doesn't fit ////////////////I suck at this so i'm sorry/////////////////// . . ~

DOnt bother reading, same as before WHAT ARE YOU LIKE?? ~~JUST FOR FUN~~ not trying to label sorry if yours doesn't fit ////////////////I suck at this so i'm sorry/////////////////// . . ~

Created by: Oaklen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Clothes?
  2. music?
  3. How many genders are there?
  4. Sports?
  5. Foods?
  6. Friends?
  7. Hobby?
  8. social medias?
  9. sorry if this is really wrong and stereo typical! just for fun[no effect on score]
  10. I have no friends and no one likes me ._. ~sometimes quite is violent~

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Quiz topic: What am I like?