What are you good at quiz

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Plsssssss follow me on scratch name:alan_fan web URL: scratch.mit.edu and hope you like the quiz and follow me on YouTube my name is Liz follow Omz/luke/omzblox/Omz Roblox/omziscool on YouTube

Hope you like the quiz and make sure to share this with people/friends well that is it hope you are good at magic teach me plsss thank you good luck with this quiz

Created by: Liz of Scratch
(your link here more info)
  1. What are you personally good at
  2. What do most people think you are good at
  3. What does your mom think your good at
  4. Do you watch YouTube
  5. Do you watch Tiktak or whatever it name was 🤷
  6. Are you awkward
  7. Does your mom think you are awkward
  8. Do most people think you are awkward
  9. Are you a YouTuber
  10. How do you feel at the end of the quiz

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Quiz topic: What am I good at quiz
