what are you? a squirl, vampire, ninja or a kitchen spatula

many diffrent people have many diffrent personalities and characteristics, out of these 4 wich one do you have? are u fun, scary, good with swords or a good cook? you may be surprised in your results

"are you a fun loving squril? a stealthy ninja? a talking spatula or a vampire of the night? ooooooooo...... FIND OUT personly im a squril a fun loving squril, but are you?

Created by: katelyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which would you rather do, play outside, suck blood, cook or fight people with long swords?
  2. whats your favorite color?
  3. your walkin in a dark ally and you see someone standing there
  4. do you like this quiz so far?
  5. if i told you this is the last question, what would you say?
  6. suppose you picked FINALLY! for the last question.
  7. if some one looked through your room, what would they find?
  8. what is 3+5?
  9. what did you answer for the last question?
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What am I? a squirl, vampire, ninja or a kitchen spatula