What are you? A Auora or a Death Eater?

This quiz will help you decide what you should do with the rest of your life in the wizarding world. Please check out my friends quizzes they are really good.

Life (i couldn’t think of anything to write sooooo.......) bhgjfdhgyhufdvfjhdktfgsdajhvgfdjygdyugr gfdjhgfdghjkea fdfgdjhgdyaufdb feuygfdgjbf bfduygbfd vuyfdgb.

Created by: VioletDedalus
  1. Who is Voldomort to you?
  2. Who is the ministry of magic?
  3. Who is Harry Potter?
  4. What is my name and who am i?
  5. Who is the best boy in the world?
  6. Random question but have you seen the Matilda musical?
  7. Would you date Voldomort if your a girl?
  8. Who would you go out with at Hogwarts?
  9. What is your favourite subject?
  10. Would you check out my friends quizzes?

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Quiz topic: What am I? A Auora or a Death Eater?
