What ARE you? ^( 0 . o )^

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This is a quiz, but you call call me quiz for short. I live on the internet, far far away from anything that could eat me. Lucky for you that place is also right here on your screen.

So, lets get down to bizznits. I have a couple of questions that I have no idea how to answer. If you can lend me a hand (I'll give it back!) I'll tell you a little secret. SEEEEECRET! Secret..... :)

Created by: Kefka Palazzo
  1. How old were you when you found out you had feet?
  2. You're locked in a large room with no windows, and the only other thing in the room with you is a piano. What do you do?
  3. Head, shoulders, bees and ________?
  4. You're picking up speed. Handfuls of speed. Armfuls of speed. Then, all of a sudden...!
  5. Hey look! I'm dancing ^( 0 . o)^ ^(o . 0 )^ ^( 0 . o)^ ^(o . 0 )^
  6. Let's start a band. What do you want to play?
  7. Where would you find Toledo on a world map?
  8. If you could only have one of the following, what would you pick?
  9. Where do you go to warm up
  10. Are you excited to find out WHAT you ARE?

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Quiz topic: What am I? ^( 0 . o )^

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