What are the chances of this happening to you????????????

just wanted to see where people are with the crazy to the not so crazy in things world this is just a test.. maybe even a bucket list who knows.. just make sure that you are true to yourself

did this sum you up properly, most people will not answer this accurately so keep living with those skeletons. We all like to think we are perfect but keep in mind that no one is and for all those that think they are. keep living the dream.. because that is what it is a dream.

Created by: Tim
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever palyed strip poker??
  2. have you ever gotten drunk and drunk dailed you ex
  3. Have you ever gone skinny dipping
  4. ever told your boss what you really thought of them
  5. Ever slept with a co worker...
  6. Ever hooked up with the same sex
  7. you have a problem with telling people what you really think about them good or bad
  8. i have have had sex in public
  9. i care what people think even if I do not know them
  10. your favorite movies are

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