What aquatic prehistoric animal u are?

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Comment what prehistoric u got and rate the quiz I don't know do quizzes but this is a little quiz and I don't know what put more here just do what I put here

I don't know I know that was made by Dunkleosteus and my English is a little bit bad is a type of quiz to discovery what prehistoric aquatic Dino u are and ok

Created by: Dunkleosteus
  1. What is your favorite element?
  2. What are you most afraid?
  3. What are yuckiest for you?
  4. Somenody start to attack u, then you attack too, but what is your action?
  5. What habilite u want to have?
  6. Are you:
  7. What food will u get?
  8. what aquatic prehistoric you think u are? Guess
  9. What period a cinognathus lived?
  10. (Last) why did u tried this quiz

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