What Aphmau character are you

This is a quiz showing you what Aphmau character you would be it could be from any sires but there are only 8 characters that you could get you could get 1.Aphmau/ava2. Ein3. Aaron4. pierce5.noi6.zane 7.mac8.Kawai-Chan

all of them are about the person albites ik about Aphmau and her friends most of the characters are from her longer series or her newer series like my inner demons or phonex drop

Created by: Moon
  1. What is your favorite colore
  2. Are you smart
  3. What Minecraft material do you like more
  4. In a scale of 1 to 5 how tall do people call you (1 being short 5 being tall)
  5. What is your favorite Aphmau song
  6. Would you rather be in your friends YouTube channel or your own
  7. Do you like role playing
  8. who would you want to have a crush on
  9. What is your favorite type of Aphmau videos
  10. Would you rather be with a person who says yes all the time or be with someone shy

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Quiz topic: What Aphmau character am I
