What Aperture science thinks of you.

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We will test your brain and your choices to see what kind of person you are. Just remember, no matter what this says you are always ama- sjkdfhskjdfdshfkshfkshfk. Good luck.

The corrupted cores will ask questions too. Im bored so just look at this. opreopreorpeorpeorpeoreporeorpeorperopeorpeorpeorpeorproeporpeorpeorpeorperopeorpe

Created by: GlaDOS

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you think me GlaDos is cool?
  2. Do you like humans?
  3. Space Core: Do like space!?
  4. Fact Core: Will space core go to space?
  5. Adventure Core: Do you like my adventure music? da da bann noow bana!
  6. Wheatly: Am I a moron?
  7. rerer
  8. rer
  9. rer
  10. Sorry. This is just so I don't have to enter anymore questions.

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