what anime are you?

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this is an anime thing know please say yes or no or f off please press or you will die no you wont don't worry I love you no I don't WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING.

know what it is about. This description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create it, hints at the possible outcomes, and so on. Please use good English, no net-speak.

Created by: ella
  1. what is your fav anime name (mine is kimo)
  2. whats your fav colour
  3. whats you fav animal
  4. are you a girl or boy
  5. do you have glasses
  6. what colour eyes do you you have
  7. do you have long hair
  8. how old?
  9. I love
  10. did you like my first quize

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Quiz topic: What anime am I?