What Animatronic Are You (FNaF)

Animatronics (if u were wonderig) are like robots based on animals or humans. The robots in FNaF re really messed up, at night they are very murderous.

Now, which animatronic are you out of Freddy, Bonnie, Chicago and Foxy? Notice these are from the first game, I will make one later for the second and later the third.

Created by: Human_Mangle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your main outfit color?
  2. And what exactly do you wear?
  3. Personality?
  4. Do you have any siblings?
  5. What would be your annoy-your-friend laugh?
  6. You murdered someone, what now?
  7. What is your routine on a school day?
  8. One last question, are you creepy?
  9. Ok, bye!

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Quiz topic: What Animatronic am I (FNaF)