What animal print are you?

There are many people with different animals deep inside them, so release your inner animal and find out which youd be, TAKE TAKE TAKE my quiz and see how bad, good, or exotic you really are.

ARE YOU AN ANIMAL??? well find out just how animal you really are, take my quiz and youll be surprised to truly mammalistic you can be. plus you might find out new stuff about yourself you never really knew.

Created by: Veronica

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whats your favorite color...
  2. After school your most likely...
  3. How would your friends describe you...
  4. Do you have a lot of "best friends" or just one?
  5. What are your grades in school..
  6. Whats your style..
  7. what type of people are you attracted to..
  8. what kind of movies do you like...
  9. what kind of friends do you have...
  10. If your could pick whats your favorite animal...

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Quiz topic: What animal print am I?