What Animal Do You Most Resemble?

You probally resemble a lot of animals, but which animal and personality is just like you? This simple, quick quiz will let you know what animal is most like you.

This quiz will determine whether you are most like a MONKEY, DONKEY, PUPPY, OR KOALA. What do you think you'll get? You can guess all day, but you never really know until you take this quiz.

Created by: hm41226

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. People Define You As....
  2. Are You...
  3. Do You Like To Cuddle?
  4. Do People Think Your Cute?
  5. Do You....
  6. You would rather....
  7. Which Name Do You Like Best?
  8. What Boy Name Do You Like Best?
  9. Best Quality In A Friend?
  10. Favorite Letter?
  11. Best Color:

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Quiz topic: What Animal do I Most Resemble?