what animal are you quiz

I was here to make this quiz for fun and a wonderful surprise you not just find out what animal you are but what type of person ou are to with little jokes along the way

also this is to inspire you to make quizzes yourself it's not just for other people it's a good activity to do if your bored or feel you need to put yourself out the the world

Created by: Michelle
  1. where would you want to live
  2. what do you like to eat
  3. 12 x 12 = ___
  4. what's your fav movie
  5. what's your fav animal type
  6. what's more important to you in you soul mate
  7. what do you want for friends
  8. what do you wish to have more
  9. pick a fate
  10. last question)) do you like animals 🌚

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Quiz topic: What animal am I quiz