what animal are you?

in my quiz you will learn about who you are are you beautiful? or graceful? or dumb? or a girl?sooo tooo finddd outtt answersss takee myyy qqqquuuiiizzz...pretty plz?

wwwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaattttttt aaaaaarrrrrreeeee yyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuuu?????????? a dog a cat a pig a star wars character a ummm an idiot? FIND OUT YOU JUST NEED TO TAKE THE QUIZ!!!

Created by: not telling
  1. how smart are you?
  2. beauty?
  3. how graceful?
  4. fav colour?
  5. fashion?
  6. athletic?
  7. you see a ghost!!
  8. your boyfriend just broke up with you!!!
  9. last quetion what did you think of it?!
  10. not!! last question!

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?