What animal are you

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I don’t like writing the paragraph about the quiz but you are required to do it so here we go hi this is my second quiz and it was very very basic I hate it

Sorry about the little speech I did in the last paragraph but I really do hate writing the paragraph it is just such a pain in the butt and I wish I could skip it altogether

Created by: Cinderstar_lokigirl
  1. Hi there you may remember me from my last quiz but I didn’t want to stop so here we are
  2. Are you antisocial
  3. Do you like to sleep
  4. What do you want
  5. Do you get sad when you are alone
  6. For the last 5 let fate decide
  7. Hi there hope you are enjoying my quiz
  8. Pick an emoji
  9. Pick a symbol
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What animal am I
