What animal are you?

You can be a bad one, but you can be a powerful one too! you could be a terrible no-loving weirdo or you could be a true powerful leader with alot to give.

What animal are YOU? think you could be an IMPORTANT animal? prove it. answer each question TRUTHFULLY and see what you may get, hopefully you are a good person who gets to be a good animal.

Created by: Nothing...
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you like answering quizzes?
  3. Do you like animals?
  4. did you guess that it didnt matter what it put down on the last one? but it will mater on this one, promise no crosses count!
  5. pick a number any number
  6. so.. yeah do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. wowy ok lets get back to bussiness
  8. what is your favoire drink?
  9. ok we are pretty much done... we are gonna play a game pick a numer
  10. XD

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?