what animal are you???

we are humans and we will always be humans. but if you were an animal, what animal would you be????????????? have a fun time by finding out what you would be if you were an animal!!!

what animal are YOU??????????????? what is the animal that reflects your personality???????????????? thanks to this great quiz, you can find out!!!!!

Created by: wefa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. land , air or sea?
  2. what do you like more? (with no animals harmed)
  3. someone is walking down the pavement when a bird called bob does a doodoo on his head. how do you respond?????
  4. you are in a dark room and your friend starts crying because they can hear creepy noises. do you.....
  5. how would you describe yourself....
  6. you are getting a takeaway. what do you get?
  7. favourite colour?
  8. you become the leader of a new country. the first thing you do is....
  9. are you furry, scaley or feathery
  10. did you enjoy this quiz?
  11. bye

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Quiz topic: What animal am I???