what animal are you

this quiz is trying to find out the true animal inside you. In it you will find some odd questions but they actualy make perfect sense for this quiz.

I hope you like this quiz because it took me a long time to think of questions and ansears. Some words are misspelled and i am sorry for that. hope you like the quiz!

Created by: ella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you an indoor or outdoor person?
  2. do you enjoy hiking,swimming,reading,or drawing the most?
  3. are you more scared of hights or the dark?
  4. are you a vegatarien?
  5. what is you favorite fairy tale?
  6. whats your favorite color?
  7. do you like math or sience more?
  8. do you get car sick?
  9. what would you call yourself?
  10. do you want to leave a lecacy?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I