what animal are you?

make this quiz up. do it how you would like to do it, or do it like real, and click which options fit you. I don't care how you do it, just have fun with it.

please don't get mad at your results. after all, you were the one who choose the options, therefore affecting what your result will be. so don't blame me if you aren't happy with your results.

Created by: Stitch girl
  1. what's your greatest talent
  2. how tall are you
  3. do you shave often?
  4. do people tell you that you are very hairy?
  5. do you wish you could fly high?
  6. where would you like to live
  7. what features do you have
  8. which of these do you have.
  9. .did you like the quiz?
  10. will you share this with friends.

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
