What animal are you?

ok I made this to see what kind of person you are compared to one of four animals. The animals are Wolf, Tiger, Eagle, and Horse. I don't know how accurate it is but the more truthful you are the better.

I hope you enjoy this quiz I know I enjoyed making it. It was kinda hard though to I hope you appreciated it. It was truly a blast making it though good luck.

Created by: Tori Fowler
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. Your at work of school what are you classified as?
  3. Your at school or work and you see someone being made fun of what do you do?
  4. You have a test at the end of the week what do you do?
  5. You got a bad grade what do you do?
  6. your at home with a bit of free time what are you doing?
  7. You have to get some chores done what's your plan of action?
  8. You see a cute girl/guy what do you do?
  9. What's your idea of the perfect date?
  10. ok last question, Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?