What Animal are You?

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Hello! this is a "what animal are you" quizz. the results might not be accurate, but i hope you enjoy it ;u; (also the pics are not accurate because i couldnt upload the correct ones)

(i think its kinda dumb (aaaa sorry if it offends anybody) that we need to write/type like- 100+ letters in each paragraph thing- im just writing this bc of the 100+ thing ;-;)

Created by: BeigeTheSandWonk
  1. Do you hate school?
  2. What is your fave color? (idk what this has to do with animals or personalitys-)
  3. What emoji do you like the best?
  4. Do you think that boys are stronger than girls?
  5. What kind of coffee (idk if i spelled it right-) do you like the most? (if you dont drink coffee or if there isnt a coffee type you like, choose anything)
  6. What flavor of ice cream do you like the best? (if your fave flavor isnt here, pick the 2nd or 3rd fave)
  7. If you can change your gender, what would it be?
  8. If you and your group did a group project for school, what "role" are you?
  9. What book series do you like the best?
  10. Last Question: did you like this?

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I?
