what animal are you

You are very clever and smart you might have chosen funny answers or your self. I will never know. You nevr give up do you. You look so serious when you do the quiz.

Are you smart? Do you have the brain to do my quiz again if you already did it. If not try to do it. You will never know if you like it. Everyday is something different.

Created by: jennifer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which one is more cozy for you
  2. what is your favorite color
  3. which one of these are you most of
  4. what color hair do you have
  5. how loving are you
  6. how mean are you
  7. do you like your sibiling
  8. what is your favorite tree
  9. what are you wearing right now
  10. what do you do everyday

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Quiz topic: What animal am I