What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
So far so good...I'm 100% biker and 100% north Jersey!
NJFatBoy1 -
why is this quiz always #1
12345671 -
IM FROM THE NORTH EAST cool whats for lunch?
said im midwest but really i live in ny (not the city)...hmm...
I dont call carbonated drinks, pop. omfg. thats so redneck. I call it soda.
im the midland which means no accent :] this quiz is sooo accurate!
I got inland North, Yet Im from the North East of England.Yey me?
emmz0r1 -
ya know it pretty true i have totally accepted myself as a minnesnowtan; even though i am from germany eh.
geilesau1 -
it said boston...and i'm totally from houston, tx...and i basically have no accent whatsoever...
cac0111 -
Aww...I am a SoCal surfer...lol
i'm from california where we don't prononce our consinents at the end of words and i know i do that but this quiz said i was from the mideastern US
It hit it right on the spot! S-Cali...love ya!
Yo i fr sound like a new york yankee
I got 100%.
West :D
Nice quiz. :)
Texasgrl1 -
i have a quiz called would i date you:| girls only plz rate+comment if u dont copy onto 15 quizes your crush will slap you it happened be warned!!!!!!!!>:(
Umm I'm not from the west I'm from the south..
it is funny because i am actually canadian
10cdl1 -
its way better and alway`s gives you the right results take it take it take it now
amster1 -
quiz is right inland north from wisconsin
wwhee1 -
Omg this was right I am from Pennsulvania! Good quiz!