What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
Hahaha, Im from the south, but I talk so different from most of my family, so it said I have a midland accent
It guessed me right!
It got mine correct, right down to the state. I was pretty impressed.
I got 86% Inland North. Makes sense, I visit Wisconsin every year. My dad is from there and my mom came from Michigan.
Im from West Virginia and i got Midland accent ...accurate i guess most kids in my school either have no accent like me or talk like a red neck
Kai_1 -
My friend told me I have a Virginian accent and my Dad(Im adopted) says I have an accent but he doesn't know what it is.
Say iPhone 3 times then comment this on another quiz and tomorrow night look under you're pillow
Cool. Got it exactly correct I live in southern Ohio. I was skeptical at first, but it actually works pretty well.
I have a Midland accent. Actually, I live in Ontario. My parents both have accents that are not American.
I don't live in USA and English isn't my native language. But I'm flattered about having a "Philadelphian" accent =D
Damaskox1 -
North Central, exactly correct, except for the fact that I`m from SD. Do we really sound like Canadians though? XD
This was right on the money! It not only got the region right but even the state I was born in!!! I lived in three other areas in the US and those were 2nd and 3rd and 4th. Amazing.
drs1 -
Very good! I was born and raised in Canada where we drink pop. Michigan was my closest neighbor. Inland North it is!
canusa1 -
North Central and you think I don't think the people in Fargo sound different?!?!??! ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIDDING ME!!! That movie is a SATIRE! No one here talks like that! How IGNORANT CAN YOU BE!
tryme1 -
Born and Raised in Philly. Went to college in the South. Returned to Philly after graduation. Received a score of 80% Philly accent...
rmglenn1 -
well i have never heard Philadelphian's English,because I am from Nepal,but feels good to know that my English @ least sounds like an american no matter which part of america. And mm proud of it..god bless america
Romesh1 -
I guess I'm from Pennsylvania (Midland) which is a fine place to be from. But I'm really from Minnesota.
A little strange, was born and grew up in the South, but this says I'm from the Northeast (New York, New Jersey). I live in NJ now. I just know how to not sound so Southern.
DA088731 -
It said I had a midlands accent, and I thought "no way", until I got to the second to last sentence. I am a Texan, but I was born and raised in Dallas...spooky.
SteveTx1 -
I am most definitely not from the south. I am a New Yorker all the way; who happens to live in Connecticut... Sorry
Ms_SMJ1 -
I was surprised since I have lived in the northeast over 50 years; however my children are always telling me about my southern accent...lol..
maxier1 -
I am as Philadelphian as cheesesteak? No way! Virginia and Georgia are where I have spent pretty much equal parts of my life.
Jessy1 -
It guesses Philadelphia and I'm about as Philly as you can get. How did they guess that??? It's amazing! Good quiz...
Right on.
You said I am North Central often mistaken for a Canadian.
I am Canadian from Southern Ontario. Right on.
This quiz claims I have a Northeastern accent. Gee... I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Faulty test.