What Afton are you?

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Hey guys, Deathtrap here! Another quiz for you guys to take. I lost inspiration so eventually, I'll make a quiz that has for than 10 questions. Eventually.

Welcome to the show and like it or not it's time to play a game. let's play a game. We don't want you to go. cuz like it or not you'll never feel the same. Let's play a game. One, two, three, four, five. You think you can survive? Survive. This is all a lie. cuz your story ends tonight. like it or not you'll never feel the same. Like it or not---CG5

Created by: Deathtrap
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite food and drink?
  3. How would you die?
  4. Kids?
  5. Weapon of choice?
  6. Favorite emoji?
  7. Hobby?
  8. *DOESN'T COUNT*WILL: Soooo...So awkward. I'm outta here*Disappears*
  9. How old are you?
  10. Cya later!*YES. THIS COUNTS*

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Quiz topic: What Afton am I?

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