what afton are you???

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hi its bella on my 2ed quiz im exsided i do my work on a laptop so im also a fan of the aftons so i decided why not hope you enjoy thank you for your saport

i am sorry for the spelling im only 10 so i dont know evrything school is importent so ya also i made evryone a nick name will,eli,mike, thanks byee and thanks

Created by: Bella
  1. what is your fav couler
  2. what do you do on your free time?
  3. chose a artamotic
  4. chose a afton
  5. whats your fav food
  6. your fav drink
  7. pick a letter
  8. will you comment
  9. will you rate
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What afton am I???

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